Why I Don't Dropship

Drop shipping has been popular for a while now, and you’d be hard-pressed to find any blog about making money online that doesn’t mention it. While it’s definitely possible to succeed, the competition is fierce, and the outcome is never guaranteed. On top of that, the initial investment can be substantial. Not only do you need to purchase large quantities of products for testing, but one of the biggest costs is marketing. Even then, someone else could be selling a similar or identical product. Why should customers choose you over them?

Getting into drop shipping is tricky, and if you’re not careful, you could end up wasting thousands of dollars. Many people fail multiple times before they find what works. Additionally, customer service can be a real challenge when you have so little control over the product.

What I love about my business is that I have full control over what’s given to my customers. I get the final say on every product, which ensures I’m offering something I’m proud of. Customer service is something I believe is absolutely crucial for running a successful business—something drop shipping often lacks.

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