How I Found My Niche

I failed. A lot. I tried candles, resin coasters, crocheting, even started a faceless YouTube channel where I cut random things with a hot knife. You name it, I've probably tried it, and I’m actually glad I did. I’m thankful for the money I spent on those experiments because they taught me two important things:

  1. How challenging it can be to build a business.
  2. What I actually wanted (and didn’t want) to be doing day in and day out.

I quickly realized I didn’t want to be melting and pouring hot wax, worrying that my product would melt during transit on a hot summer day. I didn’t want to breathe in resin fumes every day, and I definitely didn’t want to spend hours crocheting something I’d only sell for a fraction of the material cost. All these experiences helped me learn what I truly enjoyed—and what I didn’t.

I encourage you to do the same. Test things out, experiment, and play around with different ideas. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You just need to find something you enjoy and won’t tire of doing, then do it better. Do it better than others and show them why it’s worth their attention.

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